School of Industrial Technology,

IMG223 Food Processing Technology of Animal-Based Products
Course Synopsis
This course discusses structure and composition of animal-based product, such as fish, meat, poultry, egg, and diary. This course will also discuss the biochemical changes during post-harvest and its effects on the product quality. Processing technologies of animal-based product, such as freezing, drying, and canning, will be discussed. Effects of processing on product quality will also be discussed.
Course Objective
The objective of this course is to provide students an overview of various aspects and technologies involved in producing animal-based food products.
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the students should be able to:
Explain the source and variability of raw food materials and their impact on the processing.
Describe the physiological and biochemical changes of animal‐based food products during processing.
Display technical skills in the processing of selected animal‐based food products.
Design processing methods that make safe, high-quality animal‐based food products.
Work effectively in a team to design processing methods.
IMK316 Food Quality Management and Food Regulations
Course Synopsis
This course introduces quality management system that is widely practiced in the food industry. This course covers food assurance, control, evaluation, and audit. The course is made complete with basic exposure to food laws and regulation.
Course Objective
This course is designed to introduce various quality management systems practised in the food industry, as well as the laws and regulations to ensure the quality and safety of food. The awareness of the current issues of food laws and regulations, especially those in connection with nutrition labelling, food specifications, food additives, as well as toxic and harmful substances in foods will be useful during new product development.
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the students should be able to:
Explain basic terms, quality systems and tools, food regulations, and processes involved in formulating food policy.
Create quality documentation using quality systems and tools.
Work effectively in a team to prepare quality documentation.
Report current issues related to food regulation in a group by referring to different sources of food laws and regulations.
IMK320 Functional Foods
Course Synopsis
This course covers the science, technology, regulatory aspects, and product design and development of functional foods (foods rendering health benefits). Students will be taught in detail on various aspects relevant to plant- and animal-based functional foods and their economic importance.
Course Objective
This course is an advanced course designed to explore various aspects related to functional foods. Students will learn to identify functional components in foods, which are categorized as functional, and learn the various techniques involved in identifying and developing functional foods.
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the students should be able to:
Explain the concepts, importance, and functional components of animal and plant-based foods.
Evaluate current issues related to legislation, religion, food regulatory status, and design and development of functional food.
Present the concepts and principles of functional food orally in a clear manner.
IMK424 Food Defense
Course Synopsis
This course highlights the importance of ensuring the right food defense plans are in place. Topics covered include vulnerability assessments and mitigation strategies. This information will be useful in building a food defense plan. Students will be exposed to the requirements, guidelines, and tools to develop a food defense plan.
Course Objective
Discuss the importance of food defense and the implementation of vulnerability assessments and mitigation strategies to ensure food security through food defense plans.
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the students should be able to:
Propose mitigation strategy to minimise vulnerability in food premise and food processing.
Work effectively in a team by providing valuable contribution during planning and preparation of food defense plan.
Prepare food defense plan by referring to different online resources.